The Environmental Research and Engineering Institute (Instituto de Investigación e Ingeniería Ambiental, 3iA) was established in 2008 by the National University of San Martin. Its mission is to develop high quality teaching, research, technological development, management, transfer and extension activities on environmental issues. The Institute offers a wide range of courses at all levels, including Environmental Engineering, Specialization and Master’s Degree, and PhD degree in Chemistry and in Environmental Science.
3iA aims to integrate to its research projects and capacities the necessary interdisciplinary approach needed to face environmental problems and to offer appropriate answers to tackle environmental demands of society.
We offer a broad-ranging suite of courses that provide an insight to current
perspectives on environmental issues and approaches. Areas of interest include
environmental science and management, environmental technologies, social and
ecological linkages, environmental policy, and integrative research methods. The
students develop depth of knowledge in biodiversity conservation, climate science and
policy, environmental policy, natural resource management, environmental toxicology,
sustainability science, and water science and policy. Their research work lead to
original and important contributions to human knowledge, research and development.
Currently, 3iA comprises twelve research groups that perform interdisciplinary
research into all aspects of environmental science. Research activities are carried out
in four main areas, Climate change and sustainability, Technologies for sustainable
development, Environment and human health, Physical and chemical processes of
global reach. They are of upmost environmental and social importance and the
approach is often broad and interdisciplinary.
1) Climate change and sustainability:
Studies on Climate Change; Modifications of land use; Pollution processes and degradation of natural resources, including atmosphere, water, soils and ecosystems in general.
2) Technologies for sustainable development:
New technologies applied to remediation processes; Sustainable development; Renewable energy; Biodegradable materials. Also involves Environmental monitoring in situ and through quantitative remote sensing; Development of indicators for
resource management.
3) Environment and human health:
Research on Carcinogenesis derived from the influence of environmental factors; Pest control; Development of distribution models of species and vectors transmitting diseases.
4) Physical and chemical processes of
global reach:
Atmospheric dynamics; Radioactive tracers and markers; Antarctic environmental geology; Physicochemical of interfaces of environmental relevance.
More in detail, projects related to the first of the research areas are:
Within the second main area of research:
Within the third main area of research:
Within the fourth main area of research:
Based on the research of our groups, 3iA offers consulting and project management services that adjust to customers´needs with professional advice and personalized assistance.
We are engaged in an intense activity with SMEs from the San Martin district as well
as from the City of Buenos Aires delivering quality services and innovative solutions
to both private and public sectors.
UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme ( promotes interuniversity cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. The UNESCO-Cousteau Ecotechnie Chair at the University of San Martin is currently headed by Jorge Fernández Niello, dean of the Environmental Research and Engineering Institute.
Since its beginning, this chair has aimed to promote interdisciplinary education and research, and to put forward policy and management strategies in the field of natural resources and sustainable development. Its goals also involve the development of networks on environmental issues at regional level, strengthening the exchange of undergraduates, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows and expanding South-South dialogue in the field.
Telephone: +54 11 2033 1400
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme ( promotes interuniversity cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. The UNESCO-Cousteau Ecotechnie Chair at the University of San Martin is currently headed by Jorge Fernández Niello, dean of the Environmental Research and Engineering Institute.
Since its beginning, this chair has aimed to promote interdisciplinary education and research, and to put forward policy and management strategies in the field of natural resources and sustainable development. Its goals also involve the development of networks on environmental issues at regional level, strengthening the exchange of undergraduates, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows and expanding South-South dialogue in the field.